A new version of Horticoop

With great pleasure, La Plume Media has been committed to Horticoop since mid 2021. Horticoop was a traditional purchasing cooperative for the horticultural sector. But, after almost 120 years, this role no longer brought the desired benefits for Horticoop members and the cooperative went in search of a new interpretation. It has since been found; Horticoop will continue as an investment cooperative, investing in companies that offer innovative services and products to their members. The financial benefits this brings will then benefit both the members (dividends) and Horticoop, allowing the latter to reinvest in companies that make horticulture grow and prosper. So a win-win cooperative. La Plume Media supports Horticoop in communicating this change. Not only by informing, but also by connecting; including with events, webcasts, animations and newsletters. And, there is much more to come! Team La Plume enjoys working for Horticoop and is proud that they can contribute to the growth of the Dutch horticultural sector!