Providing clarity
We all hope we’ll never have to deal with a crisis. Nevertheless, we need to be prepared for the eventuality. A crisis could be anything from a major accident to a fire or explosion, an administrative crisis or a negative publicity storm. One thing’s for sure: there is a good chance that the crisis will affect people. It is therefore essential your employees are informed in good time and kept up to date. La Plume Media will help you gather the information and then organize the communications flow so that your employees know what is happening and what is expected of them. Where necessary and possible, we will supplement the (mostly process-related) communications with FAQs, so that managers and liaison contacts for external parties (customers, suppliers) are also able to answer any questions.

Communicating big news
Keeping the peace
A major change at a large company will often be big news. But you don’t want your employees to hear the news through the media. That means bringing them up to date on time and to the fullest extent possible. La Plume Media will draw up a communications plan and set out in detail who will receive what type of communication and when. In doing so, we not only ensure that your employees are kept informed, but also recommend giving them the opportunity to ask any questions they have. We also empower employees by informing them in such a way that they are similarly able to answer questions from their stakeholders (team members, customers, suppliers).