Online tasting session with Gall & Gall

The holiday period is traditionally the busiest time of the year for

specialty liquor store Gall & Gall. To prepare their employees for this time, the company organized a special Christmas broadcast of Gall & Gall Live. The broadcast included a tasting session, for which over three thousand employees received a drinks box at home with wines, champagne and a non-alcoholic snack. The tasting session – perhaps the largest ever in the Netherlands or even Europe – was intended as a thank you from the company to its employees for their hard work over the past year.

La Plume Media was responsible for producing the entire event: from the line-up, the script and directing the technical team, to setting up the studio and the reports that were recorded beforehand. The project made optimal use of the connective power of interactive webcasts, allowing employees to ask questions and take part in polls. We’re already looking forward to the next broadcast!