La Plume Media joins forces with Stichting Eigen Wij

About six months ago, La Plume Media and Stichting Groene Wij – now Stichting Eigen Wij

– joined forces. Both organizations have one clear goal: connecting people! Whereas La Plume Media connects people through communication, Eigen Wij helps vulnerable groups in Zoetermeer by organizing accessible and connecting events.
The foundation has grown considerably in recent years and with the expansion of the foundation’s activities, it was time for a new name. La Plume Media came up with the new name ‘Eigen Wij’, which better suits the aims and methods of the foundation: a place where the individual is regarded without judgment (eigen) and where people come together to connect (wij). The name Eigen Wij was announced on Friday, April 9 by the Mayor of Zoetermeer.

Initially, La Plume Media was only meant to help the foundation with developing a number of communications tools. However, the enthusiasm of founder Anita van der Voort was so infectious that La Plume team member Veerle decided to join the board of the foundation.

Eigen Wij: the Mayor of Zoetermeer launched the new name online, after which the confetti cannons went off with a bang